Hens, Thorsten (2020). Will the Blockchain help to Denationalize Money?.In: Leube, Kurt. The State and Its Limits : The Economic and Politics of Freedom for the Third Millennium: Essays in Honor of Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein. Triesen, Liechtenstein: van Eck Publishers, n/a.
Hens, Thorsten (2016). Evolutionary Finance. In: Leube, Kurt R. An Enterprising, Liberal and generous Mind. Fürstentum Liechtenstein: van Eck Verlag, 61-67.
Hens, Thorsten; Axtell, Robert; Kirman, Alan; Couzin, Iain D; Fricke, Daniel; Hochberg, Michael E; Mayfield, John E; Schuster, Peter; Sethi, Rajiv (2016). Challenges of integration complexity and evolution into economics. In: Wilson, David S; Kirman, Alan. Complexity and Evolution - Toward a New Synthesis for Economics. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT, 65-81.
Evstigneev, Igor; Hens, Thorsten; Schenk-Hoppé, Klaus Reiner (2016). Evolutionary behavioural finance. In: Haven, Emmanuel; Molyneux, Philip; Wilson, John; Fedotov, Sergei; Duygun, Meryem. The Handbook of Post Crisis Financial Modelling. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 214-234.
Hens, Thorsten (2013). Anlegerschutz und Behavioral Finance. In: Zobl, D; Giovanoli, M; Weber, R; Sethe, Rolf. Anlegerschutz im Finanzmarktrecht kontrovers diskutiert. Zürich, Basel und Genf: Schulthess Verlag, 1-12.
Brune, Amelie (2013). Experimentelle Ökonomie und Finanzmarktregulierung. In: Hens, Thorsten; Sethe, Rolf; Von der Crone, Hans Caspar; Weber, Rolf H. Anlegerschutz im Finanzmarktrecht kontrovers diskutiert. Zürich: Schulthess Verlag, 13-24.
Hens, Thorsten (2011). Speculative Bubbles - A Neo Austrian Perspective. In: Leube, Kurt. Economics, Politics, Philosophy, and the Arts. Essays in Honor of H.S.H. Prince Philipp of Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein: van Eck Verlag, 31-40.
Hens, Thorsten; Schenk-Hoppé, Klaus Reiner; Evstigneev, Igor V (2011). Survival and evolutionary stability of the Kelly rule. In: MacLean, Leonard C; Thorp, Edward O; Ziemba, William T. The Kelly Capital Growth Investment Criterion: Theory and Practice. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 273-284.
Hens, Thorsten; Bachmann, Kremena (2010). Behavioural Finance and Investment Advice. In: Brian, Bruce. Handbook on Behavioural Finance. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 301-321.