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Department of Finance

Commissioned Research

Study: "Gold for Long-Term Wealth Accumulation"

A Financial Analysis conducted by Prof. Thorsten Hens and Alvin Amstein (Student Assistent).

Gold has established itself as a store of value over thousands of years and has long been the basis of Western financial systems. This study investigated what proportion of gold makes sense in an investment portfolio and whether gold remains a contemporary choice for wealth accumulation in the context of modern technologies such as blockchain.

Link: "Gold for Long-Term Wealth Accumulation"


Value Reporting

Since 2008, the Department of Finance has carried out an annual value reporting rating of Swiss annual reports as part of the Value Reporting Seminar.

The balance sheet and annual reports are rated by a team from the Department of Finance at the University of Zurich.Prof. Alexander Wagner and his team, together with 30 dedicated students, analyze the reports based on ten criteria blocks and prepare a detailed analysis report.

Link: Value Reporting
