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Department of Finance

Job Market Candidates

We are proud to showcase our current candidates in the job market and introduce the next generation of talent ready to make an impact. You can find insights into the successful placements of our recent graduates on our dedicatedgraduates page.

Emanuela Benincasa

Research interest: Banking, Corporate Finance, and Climate Finance

Job market paper: Coming soon

Personal Website

Main Advisor: Steven Ongena


Ana Mao de Ferro

Research interest: Empirical Corporate Finance and Entrepreneurship

Job market paper: Coming soon

Personal Website
CV (PDF, 1 MB)

Main Advisor: Alexander Wagner


Benjamin Schneider

Research interest: Climate Finance, Corporate Finance, and Central Banking

Job market paper: Coming soon

Personal Website

Main Advisor: Kjell Nyborg



Yanjie Wang

Research interest: Coming soon

Job market paper: Coming soon


Main Advisor: Michel Habib



Academic Placement Director

Prof. Dr. Felix Kübler

Weiterführende Informationen

The Department of Finance (DF) at the University of Zurich is one of the leading finance departments in Europe, located in Switzerland’s main financial center.

Our core research areas are Asset Pricing, Corporate Governance, Financial Intermediation, Qunatitative Finance, Sustainable Finance, and AI in Finance.

Everything you need to know from application for course credits to reimbursement guidelines.