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Department of Finance AI-assisted Grading


The AI-Assisted Exam Grading project explores practical approaches for integrating AI assistance in the grading process of open-ended exam questions. Through multiple pilot implementations and extensive collaboration with lecturers, we have developed guidelines and tools to make exam grading more efficient while maintaining fairness and consistency.

Project Goals

Our project addresses three key challenges in exam grading:

  • Reducing grader workload through intelligent process optimization
  • Improving grading consistency, particularly in team-based scenarios
  • Maintaining fairness by preventing AI bias in the grading process

Implementation Focus

Rather than conducting theoretical research, we focused on practical solutions:

  • Development of an experimental grading platform
  • Implementation and evaluation of five pilot cases across different subjects
  • Creation of best practices for AI-assisted grading
  • Documentation of implementation experiences 

Knowledge Sharing

The project aims to share practical insights through:

  • Detailed use cases from different subjects
  • Technical documentation of AI integration approaches
  • Guidelines for rubric development
  • Recommendations for process optimization

Project Team & Testers

We would like to thank our core project team, as well as many other internal and external contributors that have assisted in making this project successful:

  • Walter Farkas, project sponsor, director of the DF Teaching Center
  • Roland Schläfli, project manager & software engineer
  • Liine Kasak, software engineer
  • Johanna Braun, head of the DF Teaching Center
  • Luca Locher, research assistant
  • Felix Schelbert, project manager (phase 1)

We also express our sincere appreciation to the pilot users of our AI-grading tool. Your valuable feedback and engagement have been instrumental in refining our approach and ensuring its effectiveness:

  • Banking: Johanna Braun, Elia Bucefari
  • Law: Prof. Dr. iur. Felix Bommer, Leander Etter, Jacqueline Walder, Christian Wolff
  • Political Science: Prof. Dr. Thomas Kurer, Prof. Dr. Jon Slapin
  • Mathematics: Prof. Dr. Christiane Barz, Dr. Simon Laumer

Teaching Center at the Department of Finance

The Teaching Center (TC) is responsible for teaching and teaching innovation within the Department of Finance of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Zurich

The Teaching Center was founded in summer 2011 and originates from the Swiss Virtual Campus project "eCF: Get involved in Corporate Finance," within which a blended learning concept was developed. The successful concept, which was awarded the Medida Prix in 2006, was transferred to various lectures at the department. Today, over 3’000 students and over 200 continuing education participants benefit annually from the time and location-independent blended learning concept.

In addition to organizing and supervising various lectures, the TC regularly conducts innovative projects in the field of higher education teaching. This project is another step towards promoting teaching within the department and beyond.