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Department of Finance Teaching Center

Our Team

The Teaching Center's strong innovative power is directly linked to its people, who work with enthusiasm and passion to continuously improve the learning experience at our department and the University of Zurich.


The Teaching Center, under the responsibility of Prof. Dr. Per Östberg, is led by Johanna Braun. Ourteam  consists of more than 20 employees, some of whom work part-time and study part-time.

Our team consists of current and former students from banking, finance, and IT backgrounds. By working at the Teaching Center, they become the producers of future courses, deepening their knowledge while gaining valuable experience in academic teaching and research.  The Teaching Center values independent and flexible work to keep motivation and creativity strong.

Looking for

The Teaching Center is also constantly on the lookout for new innovative, motivated students who want to play an active role in further developing the learning experience at the department and University. Their roles as either “Junior Teaching Assistants” (hourly part-time employment) or “Tutors” (course-specific and rewarded with ECTS credits) help to improve the quality of the courses and allow them to gain a valuable look behind the scenes. Motivated individuals with a passion for teaching are always welcome to apply here.


"Involving (former) students in the delivery of courses ensures that courses are aligned with the needs and interests of students."

Weiterführende Informationen

Director of Teaching Center (DF)

Per Östberg, Prof. Dr.
Associate Professor of Finance

Head of Teaching Center (DF)

Johanna Braun
Academic Associate

Head IT Teaching Center (DF)

Roland Schläfli
Member of Digital Society Initiative (UZH)

Head of Operations Teaching Center (DF)

Robin Helbling
Academic Associate