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Department of Finance

DaDFiR3: 3rd International Workshop on Automated Regulatory Financial Reporting

Regulatory Financial Reporting: Ready for the Next Challenges?

DaDFiR3 is all about data-driven financial risk and regulatory reporting, with a focus on reworking the reporting infrastructure. The project is funded through the "BRIDGE" funding program, a joint initiative supported by SNSF and Innosuisse.

"Our vision is a future regulatory financial reporting infrastructure that is versatile, lean, and pull-oriented working in a decentralized, diverse and fast-moving ecosystem."

This year's workshop is organized in collaboration with the ZHAW School of Engineering, HSLU Hochschule Luzern and hosted by Prof. Walter Farkas from our Department of Finance. It aims to provide insights into the latest developments and updates from the DaDFiR3 project.

Walter Farkas andFabian Sandmeier from our Department  will deliver a presentation on "Risk Models and Systemic risk Simulation".

Join this interesting event to learn more about the regulatory reporting from both industry and academia experts. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to network and connect with the speakers.

Register for the Workshop


Day: Thursday, 13 February 2025
Time: 12:00 - 18:00
Location: University of Zurich (UZH), KOL-F-101

12:00 Registration and Check-in
13:00 Welcome Speech by Henriette Elise Breymann (ZHAW)

DaDFiR3 - Recent Achievements

Chair: Walter Farkas (UZH)

  • Risk Models, systemic risk simulation by Walter Farkas, Fabian Sandmeier (UZH)
  • Risk Factor Interface by Francis Parr, Donat Maier (ZHAW)
  • Business Intelligence Reporting by Patrick Hauf  (ZHAW)
  • ACTUS meets DeFi by Tim Weingärtner, Sun Hongyan (HSLU)

Networking Break


Invited Talks - International developments

Chair: Tim Weingärtner (HSLU)

  • New BCBS regulations on Counterparty Credit Risk by Fabrizio Anfuso (Bank of England)
  • Reverse Stress Testing by Eric Schaanning (Nordea Bank)
  • Open Banking: Opportunities and risks for the traditional banking industry by
  • Gisela Reichmuth (ZHAW)
16:00 Networking Break


Case Studies

Chair: Henriette Elise Breymann (ZHAW)

  • ECB Project: Life with and without AnaCredit by Francis Gross (ECB)
  • ACTUS in the DeFi Space by Ralph Hofacker (Brick Towers)
  • Contract Studio by Shirish Kalangi
  • ACTUS Competition by Henriette Elise Breymann (ZHAW)

Panel discussion: Decentralizing the Future: DaDFiR3 between TradFi and DeFi

Moderator: Patrick Hauf (ZHAW)

  • Ralph Hofacker (Brick Towers) and others



More information:

About DaDFiR3 event: 
Funding parter: BRIDGE  

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW)
Hochschule Luzern (HSLU)

Photo source: Markus Spiske via Unsplash
