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Department of Finance

Professor Caroline Flammer's Talk on Women in Academia

On Thursday, 13 July 13 2023, the University of Zurich hosted a special event as part of its gender equality strategy


Caroline Flammer, the Verena Meyer Guest Professor  in July and August 2023, gave a talk on the topic of building a successful career as a female researcher, drawing from her own experiences and expertise in the field of finance.

The day started with a Finance Seminars talk by Caroline Flammer. The Finance Seminar was open to all interested parties.

The main event took place in the afternoon. The focus was on the question of how to build a successful career as a female researcher, with Caroline Flammer sharing insights on key competencies, strategic decisions, and potential hurdles, as well as discussing what helped or could have helped her in her own career. Her background, which includes a PhD from the University of St. Gallen and a professorship at Columbia University, is particularly relevant and interesting from a Swiss perspective.

The event ended with an aperitif, during which the participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas and make new contacts.

The event was sponsored by SFI, the Department of Finance, and CareerElixier.


12:15–13:30 Finance Seminar with Caroline Flammer PLM-F-103/104, Plattenstrasse 14, 8032 Zürich 
13:30–14:30 Lunch Break PLM-F-103/104, Plattenstrasse 14, 8032 Zürich 
14:30–15:30 Caroline Flammer's talk on building a successful career as a female researcher PLM-F-103/104, Plattenstrasse 14, 8032 Zürich 
15:30–16:00 Q&A PLM-F-103/104, Plattenstrasse 14, 8032 Zürich 
16:00–18:00 Apero Gartenpavillon im Stockargut, Künstlergasse 15a
8001 Zürich

Location: University of Zurich, Room to be announced

Registration: Please Register here (Registration period has expired)

