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Department of Finance

Finance Research Seminar - Spring Term 2025

Friday, 10:45 - 12:00
Room: PLM-F-103/4

Date Presenter Paper
14.02. * Fulvia Fringuellotti
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Payout Restrictions and Bank Risk-Shifting
14.02. ** Fabrizio Anfuso
Bank of England
Wrong-Way Risk, Leverage and Counterparty Credit Risk Stress Testing: New Methods and Lessons Learned
21.02. Johannes Wohlfart
University of Cologne
Mental Models of the Stock Market
28.02. Nadya Malenko
Boston College
Voting Choice
07.03. Christoph Schiller
Ohio State University Fisher College
When Values Align: Corporate Philanthropy and Employee Turnover
14.03. David Berger
Duke University
Refinancing Frictions, Mortgage Pricing and Redistribution
21.03. Anthony Lee Zhang
University of Chicago Booth
Competition in the Cryptocurrency Exchange Market
28.03. Arpit Gupta
New York University Stern
Property Taxes and Housing Allocation Under Financial Constraints
11.04. Dirk Krueger
University of Pennsylvania
09.05. Clemens Sialm
University of Texas at Austin
16.05. Philip Valta
University of Bern
23.05 Farzad Saidi
University of Bonn
* Special finance seminar, Room: PLM-F-103/4, Time: 11:15-12:00
** Special finance seminar, Room: PLM-F-103/4, Time: 12:15-13:00

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