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Friday, 10:45 - 12:00
Room: PLM-F-103/4
Date | Presenter | Paper |
14.02. * | Fulvia Fringuellotti Federal Reserve Bank of New York |
Payout Restrictions and Bank Risk-Shifting |
14.02. ** | Fabrizio Anfuso Bank of England |
Wrong-Way Risk, Leverage and Counterparty Credit Risk Stress Testing: New Methods and Lessons Learned |
21.02. | Johannes Wohlfart University of Cologne |
Mental Models of the Stock Market |
28.02. | Nadya Malenko Boston College |
Voting Choice |
07.03. | Christoph Schiller Ohio State University Fisher College |
When Values Align: Corporate Philanthropy and Employee Turnover |
14.03. | David Berger Duke University |
Refinancing Frictions, Mortgage Pricing and Redistribution |
21.03. | Anthony Lee Zhang University of Chicago Booth |
Competition in the Cryptocurrency Exchange Market |
28.03. | Arpit Gupta New York University Stern |
Property Taxes and Housing Allocation Under Financial Constraints |
11.04. | Dirk Krueger University of Pennsylvania |
tba |
09.05. | Clemens Sialm University of Texas at Austin |
tba |
16.05. | Philip Valta University of Bern |
tba |
23.05 | Farzad Saidi University of Bonn |
tba |
* Special finance seminar, Room: PLM-F-103/4, Time: 11:15-12:00 | ||
** Special finance seminar, Room: PLM-F-103/4, Time: 12:15-13:00 |