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Department of Finance

Master of Arts in Banking and Finance

Master in Banking und Finance

The Master's program in Banking and Finance has an academic focus and is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in both research and practice. The program also includes practice-oriented lectures, guest lectures from business professionals, and seminars supervised by industry partners, all of which allow students to gain early exposure to the professional world.

It is worth noting that the majority of the program's modules are offered in English, which means that a good command of the English language is a prerequisite for the Master's program in Banking and Finance. This language requirement ensures that graduates are well-equipped to work in a globalized business environment where English is often the primary language used in professional settings.

Subject Areas

The Master of Arts in Banking and Finance program at the Department of Finance offers five majors: Banking, Corporate Finance, Financial Economics, Quantitative Finance, and Sustainable Finance. These majors provide students with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of banking and the financial markets.

Students also have the option to choose a minor to specialize in one of these subject areas. This enables students to tailor their education to their specific interests and career goals.

The program is designed to provide students with a strong theoretical foundation and practical knowledge, making them well-equipped for challenging roles in the banking and finance industry.

Mathematics and Statistics

In addition to the basic economic education, the study of Banking and Finance requires strong skills in mathematics and statistics. Students who want to refresh their knowledge of mathematics and statistics can attend a mathematics preparation course. This course lasts one week, provides the basics in fast-forward, and prepares students for their Master's degree program.

Career Prospects and Further Study Programs

The Master of Arts in Banking and Finance program equips graduates with the skills and knowledge necessary to take on various specialist and management roles across a range of industries. Every year, around 100 students successfully complete the program and qualify for such positions.

Outstanding graduates who excel in their studies may pursue further doctoral studies, enabling them to become involved in scientific research in the field. Additionally, successful completion of the program provides a direct path to a career in the banking, insurance, and consulting industries.

Most graduates of the Master of Arts in Banking and Finance program will find employment in the financial industry. Many begin their careers in financial services and fintech, with opportunities for growth and advancement in a variety of roles and industries.


Weiterführende Informationen

Student Advisory Services

For questions about the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes:

Banking and Finance Semesterplanung

Empfohlene Semesterplanung für Master of Arts Studierende der Richtung Banking & Finance.

Current Modules

Reglemente und Studienordnung

Sustainable Finance Studienangebot

Ab dem HS21 bietet die UZH den Minor in Sustainable Finance im Master an. Das Kursangebot des Minors findest du hier:
