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Department of Finance


Master in Banking and Finance

The Master of Arts in Banking and Finance is offered as a major study program with 90 ECTS credits and can be combined with various minor study programs.

The major specializes in a total of four subject areas:

  • Advanced Banking
  • Advanced Corporate Finance
  • Advanced Financial Economics
  • Quantitative Finance

The Master of Arts in Banking and Finance consists of four subject areas with a selection of compulsory and elective modules. The subject areas and the Empirical Methods module make up 30 ECTS of the major study program. You can find all recommended modules for the program in the semester plan (PDF, 285 KB).

Weiterführende Informationen


Für Fragen zum Bachelor und Master Studium:

Banking and Finance Semesterplanung

Empfohlene Semesterplanung für Studierende des Master of Arts in Banking and Finance.

Aktuelle Module

Reglemente und Studienordnung

Sustainable Finance Studienprogramm

Die UZH bietet ab HS21 den Minor in Sustainable Finance im Masterstudium an. Die Kurse des Minors finden Sie hier: