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Department of Finance

PhD Program

Our program emphasizes mentorship and research collaboration, enabling you to develop your own research agenda while benefiting from the guidance of experienced faculty.  While challenging, the rewards of our program are immense, equipping you with deep expertise and an amazing starting point for your career.

The program is embedded in the Department of Finance's research and teaching activities, which connect academic excellence with industry impact.


  • As a new PhD student, you will expand your knowledge in your first year by participating in a challenging, fully-funded, full-time course program.
  • After successfully completing your Summer Research Project (SRP), you will begin working on your own research projects.
  • In our Brown Bag Lunch Seminars (BBLS), you will regularly present your ongoing research and receive feedback from your PhD advisors and peers.
  • Finally, we prepare you for the academic job market and your PhD defense.


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Learn more about our PhD Program Curriculum

Weiterführende Informationen

The Department of Finance (DF) at the University of Zurich is one of the leading finance departments in Europe, located in Switzerland’s main financial center.

Doctoral Program Coordinator

Sarah Wikus
Room: PLR-E-113
Phone: +41 44 634 39 52
Email: sarah.wikus[at]

Core courses create the foundation on which students set their research projects in collaboration with department faculty.