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Department of Finance


I have work experience in industry. Does this make my application stronger?

Industry work experience, no matter if it was in the banking industry or other financial institutions, in the area of consulting, the public sector, your own company, a hedge fund, etc., is certainly not required. It can be a useful asset.

However, if you have industry experience, it becomes particularly important for you to explain, first, why you are wishing to become an academic (for this is the explicit goal of our doctoral program) and, second, what precise and explicit benefit your experience has to pursuing genuine academic research.

I do not have academic references, but only references from current or former workplaces. What should I do?

We are looking for references that vouch for your potential to become an excellent independent academic researcher. Usually, this means the referee should also have a PhD degree and academic experience. If you have not kept in touch with your former professors, you can certainly add industry/work references; however, very often those won't give the insights we are looking for.

Ideally, a reference would be from someone who knows your writing skills (such as a Master's thesis advisor) and also knows you on a personal level and can speak to your work ethics, motivation, and personality.

My previous degrees is not from an international top school – what are my chances? 

Obviously, candidates from internationally renowned universities will have an advantage. Please note, however, that our students come from all over the world. No university is categorically ruled out, but candidates from less well-known universities will have a correspondingly higher burden with respect to demonstrating that their background is commensurate with the desired level. Students who took the effort to augment their studies with a (possibly second) master's degree from a distinctly higher-ranked university will have considerably better chances.

Another option is the following. Consider applying for our M.Sc. degree in Quantitative Finance. The program is also highly competitive and - given its joint degree status with the renowned ETH - highly visible in both industry and academia. Students who have successfully completed it are often in an excellent position for pursuing a strong career in the financial services industry and potentially also primed for further studies at a doctoral level. Note however, that students are usually not financially supported while completing the program. The successful completion of the M.Sc. Degree in Quantitative Finance in combination with the other requirements will significantly increase your chances of a successful application.

Weiterführende Informationen

Our core research areas are Asset Pricing, Corporate Governance, Financial Intermediation, Quantitative Finance, Sustainable Finance, and AI in Finance.

Core courses create the foundation on which students set their research projects in collaboration with department faculty.

The Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) promotes world-class research and teaching in banking and finance in Switzerland.