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Department of Finance AI-assisted Grading

Scientific Background

Open-ended questions represent a crucial component of educational assessment, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities through constructed responses rather than selecting from predetermined options. While their pedagogical value is well-established, the practical challenges of implementing open-ended assessments have historically limited their widespread adoption. Recent advances in artificial intelligence, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs), offer promising solutions to these challenges.

This section examines four key aspects of open-ended questions: their theoretical foundations in educational psychology, empirical evidence supporting their benefits, the practical challenges in their implementation, and recent developments in AI-assisted grading. The theoretical background explores how open-ended questions align with fundamental learning theories, particularly Bloom's Taxonomy, and their role in promoting higher-order thinking skills. Building on this foundation, empirical research provides concrete evidence of the educational benefits these questions offer, from improved critical thinking to enhanced knowledge retention.

However, the assessment of open-ended questions presents significant challenges, including grading consistency, resource requirements, and potential biases, which must be carefully considered in educational practice. Recent research in AI-assisted grading (Kortemeyer, 2024) has demonstrated promising approaches to addressing these challenges, achieving significant correlation with human graders. Understanding both the opportunities and limitations of these technological advances is crucial for developing effective solutions that maintain pedagogical value while improving assessment efficiency.

Theoretical Foundation

Open-ended questions serve as a fundamental assessment tool that requires students to formulate their own answers rather than selecting from predefined options. Unlike closed-ended questions, they allow for multiple valid approaches and solutions, enabling a more comprehensive evaluation of students' understanding and cognitive abilities (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001).

The theoretical importance of open-ended questions is deeply rooted in cognitive development theories, particularly Bloom's Taxonomy, which provides a hierarchical framework for categorizing educational goals and understanding different levels of cognitive processing (Bloom et al., 1956). The cognitive domain of Bloom's Taxonomy comprises six hierarchical levels: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Syn-thesis, and Evaluation, progressing from simple recall operations to increasingly complex and abstract mental processes. Open-ended questions primarily engage students at the highest levels - Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation - requiring them to break down information, create new meanings, and make judgments based on criteria.

The educational value of open-ended questions extends beyond theoretical frameworks to practical learning outcomes. When teachers employ well-crafted open-ended questions, students demonstrate improved analytical capabilities, develop more sophisticated information integration techniques, and exhibit greater capacity for nuanced reasoning. This approach promotes active student participation and exploration, driving greater dialogical teaching and meaningful student engagement (Çakır & Cengiz, 2016).

Recent empirical studies have provided substantial evidence for the effectiveness of open-ended questions in educational assessment. A comprehensive study examining student performance found that open-ended questions lead to markedly improved critical thinking skills, with students demonstrating an improvement in complex problem-solving capabilities compared to traditional assessment methods (Septiani et al., 2022).

In large-scale testing environments, research has shown that well-designed open-ended questions can achieve high reliability scores when rated by trained evaluators, indicating their effectiveness as assessment tools even in high-stakes scenarios (Atılgan et al., 2020). This reliability, combined with the elimination of chance of success that plagues multiple-choice formats, makes open-ended questions particularly valuable for selection exams.

Assessment Challenges

Open-ended questions present several significant challenges in assessment, particularly regarding consistency, reliability, and practical implementation. These challenges must be carefully considered when designing and implementing open-ended assessments to ensure fair and accurate evaluation of student performance (Hussein et al., 2019).

Grading Consistency

One primary challenge in assessing open-ended questions lies in maintaining grading consistency. This consistency challenge manifests primarily through individual grader inconsistency and inter-rater variability. Individual graders often show inconsistency across different student responses, with various factors influencing their scoring decisions. Research has demonstrated that extraneous elements such as handwriting quality and language proficiency can unduly influence scores, even when these factors should not be part of the assessment criteria. Inter-rater variability presents another significant challenge, with reliability levels varying with the type of question and marking items. The higher the constraints (e.g., more restricted question type, well-defined rubrics, smaller range of possible points, etc.) imposed on the markers, the higher the reliability in most cases (Curcin, 2010).

Systematic Biases in Assessment

Research has identified several systematic biases that can significantly impact the validity and reliability of open-ended assessment. These biases operate at both conscious and unconscious levels, potentially com-promising the fairness of the evaluation process:

Cognitive Processing Biases: The contrast effect represents a fundamental cognitive bias in assessment, where graders judge answers relative to each other rather than on their absolute merit. Südkamp et al. (2012) demonstrated that this comparative judgment can lead to score variations when strong and weak responses are evaluated in sequence. Studies on decision fatigue in judicial decisions show that people tend to make more severe judgments as they become mentally exhausted during extended sessions (Danziger et al., 2011).
Prior Knowledge Biases: The halo effect significantly impacts assessment when graders' previous knowledge of student performance influences their evaluation. Research found that when graders knew students' past performance, their scoring showed a correlation with previous grades, independent of the current work's quality. This effect becomes particularly pronounced in cases where graders are familiar with students' academic history or reputation (Richardson et al., 2012).

Demographic and Presentation Biases: Research has revealed persistent biases related to student demographics and response presentation. It was demonstrated that student names suggesting certain ethnic or gender identities can influence scoring (Quinn, 2020). Additionally, writing ability bias presents a particular challenge, as students with stronger writing abilities received scores averaging higher, even when their con-tent knowledge was equivalent to peers with weaker writing skills.

Practical Implementation Barriers

The process of evaluating open-ended responses demands considerable time and cognitive effort from graders. As the complexity of responses increases, the cognitive load on graders rises significantly, potentially increasing exhaustion and affecting scoring consistency. This resource intensity becomes particularly challenging in high-stakes, high-volume contexts, often leading institutions to favor other question types despite their limitations in assessing higher-order thinking skills.

Research indicates several promising approaches to address these challenges. The implementation of well-designed scoring rubrics has shown significant potential in reducing subjectivity and improving inter-rater reliability (Panadero & Jönsson, 2013). Digital grading platforms can help streamline the workflow and maintain consistency through automated features and standardized processes. Regular reliability checks and standardization sessions among graders have also proven effective in maintaining assessment quality and reducing bias impact.


The extensive research on open-ended questions clearly demonstrates their vital role in educational assessment, particularly in evaluating higher-order thinking skills and profound understanding. However, the significant challenges in grading consistency, resource requirements, and potential biases often lead educators to rely more heavily on closed-ended questions, despite their limitations in assessing complex cognitive skills.

Recent advances in AI-assisted grading offer promising solutions to these long-standing challenges. Research at institutions like ETH Zurich has demonstrated that modern LLMs can already achieve significant correlation with human graders (Kortemeyer, 2024). These developments suggest that AI assistance could help preserve the pedagogical value of open-ended questions while addressing their practical implementation barriers.

However, current research also highlights important considerations for implementing AI-assisted grading systems. Studies emphasize the necessity of human oversight, particularly for high-stakes assessments, and reveal varying performance across different domains and question types. Understanding these limitations has directly informed our project's approach to developing AI-assisted grading solutions.

Our project builds upon these research foundations to address the specific challenges of open-ended assessment while leveraging the latest technological advances. By combining insights from educational theory, empirical benefits research, and recent developments in AI-assisted grading, we aim to develop practical solutions that enhance the quality and efficiency of open-ended assessment while maintaining necessary human oversight. The following sections detail our approach to addressing these challenges through innovative technological solutions.