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Department of Finance


News list

  • New Head of Department

    Pablo Koch Medina will take over from Marc Chesney as Head of the Department of Banking and Finance on August 1, 2021. The new directorate is completed by Thorsten Hens and Per Östberg.

  • Research Contribution in Nature Reviews Physics

    In "The physics of financial networks" Stefano Battiston and Co-authors model the financial system as a network to understand phenomena such as risk and sustainability.

  • Ehrenpromotion am Dies academicus 2021

    Der vom Institut nominierte Prof. Bruno Biais erhält am 24. April 2021 im Rahmen des 188. Dies academicus der Universität Zürich die Ehrenpromotion der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät.

  • Financial Times features ClimateBert

    Artificial Intelligence analysis on the disclosure of corporate climate risk "ClimateBert" by Markus Leippold and co-authors is featured in Financial Times and Bloomberg.

  • Column on

    Prof. Steven Ongena, Dr. Thomas Mosk and co-authors Reint Gropp, Ines Simac and Carlo Wix published a column on "Supranational rules, national discretion: Increasing versus inflating regulatory bank capital" on – CEPR’s policy portal.

  • UZH team wins silver medal at the CFA Challenge

    We are proud to announce that our team placed 2nd in this year's challenge.

  • Unter den besten Forschenden in der BWL

    Steven Ongena und weitere IBF Professoren zählen gemäss Wirtschaftswoche erneut zu den besten BWL-Professoren im deutschsprachigen Raum. Herzliche Gratulation!

  • Top Ranking for Quant Finance Program just published its international ranking of quant finance master's programs. Our MScQF program (joint with ETHZ) ranks 4th worldwide and 1st in Europe!