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For "Corporate Climate Lobbying" Research Paper by Markus Leippold, Zacharias Sautner and Tingyu Yu
"The Value of ESG: Where and Why it Matters" on 16 December 2024
Felix Kübler, Professor of Financial Economics, is improving the predictive accuracy of climate-economic models
"AI for Economics: Heterogeneous Agent Macro-Finance" on 9 December 2024
Initiative in Sustainable Finance: Research Highlight
This fall, we are excited to have Professor Jean Helwege visiting our Department
Policy brief by Francisco Amaral, Assistant Professor of Real Estate Finance
Studies show that education is key to bridging sustainable investing knowledge gap for retail investors
Die besten Geschäftsberichte der Schweiz: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen
“Navigating Complexity: The Mathematics of Risk Modeling, from Financial Crises to Climate Change” on 14 October 2024
Associate Professor of Fintech and Experimental Finance
Recently appointed as Assistant Professor for Real Estate Finance
"Housing Affordability and Spatial Planning: Switzerland versus UK"
Chiara is a Postdoc at the Department of Finance and now moving to NYC to further her academic career
We had the pleasure of welcoming Pejman Abedifar, Assistant Professor of Economics and Finance at Tehran Institute for Advanced Studies as a guest at our Department
Markus Leippold and his research team developed an innovative AI tool to address the problem of greenwashing
In July and August 2024, we had the honor of hosting Andrea Vedolin, Professor of Finance at Boston University, in our department
Looking back after 21 years of service
An interview with Steven Ongena, Markus Leippold, Falko Paetzold and Zacharias Sautner
Keynote speaker: Caroline Flammer, A. Barton Hepburn Professor of Economics at Columbia University on 11 July 2024 at the University of Zurich
Interview with Marlon Azinovic
Initiative in Sustainable Finance: Prof. Stefano Battiston – Current climate risk assessments severely underestimate potential losses
Initiative in Sustainable Finance: New study reveals the strategies of biggest climate lobbyists
“Economic and financial consequences of water risks: The case of hydropower”
7 June 2024 at the University of Zurich
Initiative in Sustainable Finance: An interview with Prof. Alexander Wagner
Review article by Thea Kolasa and Prof. Zacharias Sautner
Seminarteilnehmende bewerten innerhalb von zwei Wochen Geschäftsberichte und Investor-Relations-Auftritte (Please note: seminar is conducted in German)
Watch the highlight video and read the interview on how sustainable finance impacts the financial system.
Initiative in Sustainable Finance: Research Highlight
MA-Seminar: Coaching für wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (Please note: seminar is conducted in German)
As of March 1, 2024, our new name is Department of Finance. This name is more consistent with the breadth of research and teaching in our department today.
The UZH team will represent CFA Society Switzerland at the EMEA sub-regional final in March!
This new initiative builds bridges between academia and industry, policymakers, and society