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Department of Finance

New AI Tool: "Climinator"

Markus Leippold and his research team developed an innovative AI tool to address the problem of greenwashing

Markus Leippold, Professor of Financial Engineering, is addressing the problem of corporate greenwashing by using innovative AI tool, which can quickly uncover false or misleading statements about climate issues.

Greenwashing happens when companies exaggerate or mislead people about their environmental efforts, as seen with Shell’s long sustainability reports that look impressive but lack real action. Leippold believes that global warming is mainly an economic issue caused by human activities and financial systems, and solving it requires accurate data and clear commitments from companies.

To tackle this, Leippold’s team developed the “Climinator,” an AI tool that uses advanced language models and scientific data, including reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), to identify and expose misleading or vague climate claims. The Climinator reviews statements, explains its findings with detailed, evidence-based arguments, and debunks misinformation. For instance, it corrected a politician’s false claim that reducing greenhouse gases wouldn’t significantly slow warming. The tool functions like a structured debate, taking into account the views of climate skeptics to provide a thorough and balanced analysis.

Research shows that half of corporate climate promises are weak, as they often rely on vague terms like “climate-neutral by 2050”, which can mask continued emissions through controversial carbon credits. To address this, Leippold’s team plans to develop satellite and AI tools to independently check emissions and measure impacts on biodiversity.

More information: 

Read the full interview with Markus Leippold about Financial Engineering: “Climinator” vs. Greenwashers in the UZH Magazin Nr. 2/2024 "Kostbare Vielfalt":

Photo source: Ursula Meisser

Initiative in Sustainable Finance News
